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Quality Medicine, Trusted Care

Healing Care Advocates, LLC. is a home care agency providing quality care for seniors and the disabled in Wayne County, MI.

Our Services

Browse our services below

One Deep Cleaning /Light Housework

One Deep Cleaning for clients with 50 or more approved hours per month /Light housework -- Helping with sweeping, vacuuming, washing floors, washing kitchen counters and sinks, cleaning the bathroom, changing bed linen, taking out garbage/trash, dusting and picking up, bringing in fuel for heating/cooking purposes if necessary.


Helping by getting laundry to machines, sorting handling soap containers, placing laundry into machines, operating machine controls, handling wet laundry, drying, folding and storing laundry.


Helping to compile a list identifying needed items, picking up items at the store, managing cart/baskets transferring items to home and storing them away.


Helping to move from one position to another, such as from bed to or from a wheelchair or sofa, to come to a standing position and/or re positioning to prevent skin breakdown..


Helping with use of utensils, cup/glass, getting food/drink to mouth, cutting up/manipulating food on plate, cleaning face and hands, as needed after a meal.


Helping on/off toilet, commode/bed pan, emptying commode/bed pan, managing clothing, wiping and cleaning body after toileting, cleaning colostomy and/or catheter tubes/receptacles, applying diapers and disposable pads..


Helping with cleaning the body or parts of the body, shampooing hair, using tub or shower, sponge bathing, including getting a basin of water, managing faucets, soaping, rinsing and drying.

  • Helping with walking or moving around inside the living area, changing locations in a room, from room to room or climbing stairs.

  • Helping with putting on/taking off, fastening/unfastening garments/undergarments, special devices such as back/leg braces, corsets, artificial limbs or splints.

Meal Preparation

Helping with planning menus, washing, peeling, slicing, opening packages, cans and bags, mixing ingredients, lifting pots/pans, reheating food, cooking, operating stove/microwave, setting the table, serving the meal, washing/drying dishes and putting them away.


Helpful reminder to take medication.


"Healing Care Advocates is a great group. They have been very attentive to me. I am on the road to recovery. I thank God for them."


Awesome Client

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